Friday, August 26, 2022

Water un Dominican Republic - Collecting and Purifying Water Methods

Is it safe to drink the water in Dominican Republic?
Can you drink the water? Drinking purified bottled water is recommended and available everywhere in the Dominican Republic. Hotels and restaurants use purified water to clean and cook their food and make ice for their ice machines. Tourists are recommended not to drink the tap water.

Cleanliness of the environment is very important. The Social Consciousness of people to keep the river's and Iceqns clean is very important.
Permaculture principles are used to collect the rain water and filter it for use as drinking water.

There are two basic strategies of water conservation on a permaculture farm: storing water in the soil and the diversion of surface water to dams/ponds and tanks for later use; storing it on the surface.

First we want to slow, spread, and sink water as it falls from the sky into the soil. Following this, our secondary goals, are to: 

(1) capture as much water as is reasonably possible, 

(2) store that water for dry periods, and 

(3) distribute that water when necessary across the site. Whether you’re going to use one or both of these strategies depends on your site conditions: climate, terrain, soil, your context…


I just finished a Blog Post series on rainwater harvesting; I would like to continue with more water blog series because Water is life! All the articles in the news about lead in our drinking water, Algae Bloom killing the marine life and upsetting the ecosystem in our bodies of water, I felt I had to go over this topic and, I had to do this NOW.  This blog series will be on Water Purifying! Water purifying is important in the water we drink, the irrigated water that is throughout our farmlands, the water that is in our homes for sanitation purposes. Just think about all our water usages! With water being life, go to the kitchen and pour yourself a nice big glass of water, I will wait.


Before you drink that water. Have you ever questioned what’s in your drinking water? What chemicals are they intentionally putting in your water? What Chemicals are in your water from all the industrialized farming? All the Pesticides, Herbicides, Insecticides where does all that harmful chemicals go? Those chemicals don’t just magically vanish from existence after being used to kill whatever you’re killing.

Twelve Commonly Found Toxins in drinking water!

  • Flouride
  • Chlorine
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
  • Arsenic
  • Perchlorates
  • Dioxins
  • Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT)
  • Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)
  • Dimethyl Tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA)
  • Methyl Tertiary- Butyl Ether (MtBE)


Are you really going to continue drinking that? Have your Pets and Children Drink that water? You want them drinking the main ingredient of Rocket Fuel? Municipalities add chlorine and other chemicals to kill the microorganisms, However, if these chemicals are killing microorganisms. What is that chemical doing to you?


Hemp is the plant I want to talk about in the Phytodepuration Systems, with this system it is a little controversial and illegal in some areas. Please check with your specific Local and Country laws and regulations on growing hemp. Growing hemp can Clean the air, restore the soil and purify the water.


Phragmites karka is a species of common reed that originates in South East Asia. Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf researched and discovered that this plant could remove Lead, Copper, Zinc, Arsenic, and Tin out of the water supplies and soil.


Water purification systems are important! These Systems remove chemicals, toxins, compounds, salts, metals, and harmful organisms. After going through rainwater harvesting, this would be your next step on your journey to an abundance of clean water! 

These systems are for purifying your harvested rainwater, so you do not have to depend on the water supplied to you! 

 Water Purification Systems are used for making water suitable for drinking, wastewater recycling and reusing, and all other water needs.


Phytodepuration is the intentional use of a plant to remove toxins from soils, sludges, sediments, surface water, and groundwater. This is a natural treatment technique that reproduces natural purification processes in a controlled environment. The system can be created with basins, that is then filled with inert materials such as sand, aquatic plants macrophytes. These plants are natural Purification Systems. The Three plants that support this system is Bamboo, Hemp, Rice, Common Reed, Water Hyacinth, and Vetiver.


Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) is tall, fast-growing perennial grass. This plant system has deep, complex roots that which can penetrate the deep layers into the soil. Accelerates the natural occurring ecosystem habitat for many symbiotic bacteria, and fungi made the ecology system naturally contributes to the pollutant uptake.


If the diversity of microorganisms is rich, nature’ s self-purifying ability is enhanced and clean water will return. Microorganisms will restore a healthy balance of microorganisms in the ecosystem, thereby increasing its self-purification ability without the use of chemicals.

Here is a suggestion for water filtration I found written by

The filtration system is actually a locally produced design. It was based on an award-winning model by a Guatemalan biochemist, Jose Fernanado Mazariegos Anleu. The filter is created using three, abundant natural resources: clay, sawdust, and colloidal sliver. The clay creates micro channels that catch solid contaminants, bacteria and parasites. The sawdust is used to make activated carbon, which removes bad smells, funny tastes and cloudiness. Lastly, the colloidal silver (a controversial thing that, from personal experience, we happen to think works) provides a little extra insurance for taking on bacteria.

Ideally, we would have access to these filters, which can produce one to two liters of drinking water per hour, a process which simply requires pouring water into the filter at the top of container and getting it from a spigot at the bottom. Properly maintained filters (they must be sponged clean with filtered water every three months) last for two years and are replaced for about 25 USD. Finally, the old filters make fantastic plant pots, something we first learned at Earth Lodge, an eco-hotel where we often volunteer.

Water Filter

As for materials and tools, the list is short. You’ll need two food-grade plastic buckets (other containers are possible, but these are often available for free from restaurants) with lids, a food-grade water spout (available online for a few dollars), and minor plumbing fittings to connect the buckets (including an O-ring and screen). The filtering part will be a combination of gravel for bigger solids, sand for other particulars, and activated charcoal for micro stuff. Activated charcoal is available in most pest shops, but some say that normal wood charcoal will also work just fine. The only tool that may not be around would be a drill with a hole saw (suited for the plumbing fittings and one for the spigot), but a knife and hacksaw can work.

To make the system, first, put one bucket atop the other, the bottom having its lid on. Then, drill a hole through the bottom of the top and the lid of the bottom. Connect the holes with the plumbing fixtures, with all connection obviously being watertight. Next, install the spigot around the bottom lip of the bottom bucket. Lastly, it’ll be building the filter. Cover the plumbing between the buckets with a piece of screen and O-ring, then splitting the top bucket roughly into fourths, fill one quarter with activated charcoal then sand then gravel, leaving the last quarter for water. Like with any good permaculture water system, gravity will do the work.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

About the Water

Large boat cruises are also large pollutants.  Oceans should not be shared with these large pollutants. The gas they burn should be replaced with alternative sources that exist on earth but used by the Military industrial complex in space withouth allowing the public access to the technology. The air and the Water are poluted by these monsters.
Oil and gas used in transportation should be completely eliminated.

Water should be free every family should have the know how to obtain clean water using solar power.

This industry of oil is destroying the earth. Every plastic glass and plastic bottle used ine ends up on landfills or in the Oceans. Oceans do not  end that any.more. wild life iceqn life suffer from this pollution.

This and chemtrails that apparently are organized by suorastatal organizations that have malefic interests behind them some.say of et. Are contributing at the destruction of the environment 

Nobody is penalizing these suprastatal cruises corpiratuons when they are polluting the air and the water in Dominican Republic. Theybare diversity the garbage in water.

We been to take better care of our water.
People living in Dominican Rep  uy the water. This should be free.
On a water planet water and fresh clean air should be free. Is not.

With civid restrictions the restricted fresh air from people. 

The brainwashing machine of corporations sell the water in little bottle water that create.massive pollution with plastic bottles.

Who talk for those that cannot talk.for themselves; The Water rhe Fish, the birds, rhe  trees.?

The service tonself corporations destroy the quality of life in this earth. What about the military industrial complex? What about extraterrestrials? They.might have another place to go to we prefer the earth.
Microwave technology sonor weapons chemicals of pharmaceutical companies that end up in water all should be in public discussions.

Also  another subject that should be discussed is clorine that is a poison used in swimming pools or the fluoride used in cities tap water, and toothpaste.

Instead of using massmedia for mass advertising of poisonous vaccines real discussions about cleaning the planet of pollutants should be a priority.

All chemicals used in weapon industry and used in mind control should be destroyed. We do not need more agent orange or chlorine. We need alternative sources of energy in existence since over 100 years see Chicago Wold Fair that was using wireless electricity. Oil and gas should not be used any more.
The chemicals used in weapons of mass destruction end up in water. The existence of people.fro. outer worlds that controll earth in malefic way for their own interests should be made public.

We really need to be the stewards of this earth making it the beautiful planet ot deserve to be.

Exploitation of this earth should  ease mining operations use poisonous chemicals that polute the waters of the river and end up in oceans.

There should not be have and have not people on this Earth. Everyone should have a piece of land and should take care of that land. Concentration of large number of people in small places is  ot beneficial for the environment.  Education about keeping the land and water clean should be promoted like mcdonald advertising.

Respect for ocean life should be also a priority. No whale or dolphin should be a museum object. You go to see paintings or art in museums not living conscious being. See them in the wild and respect them.

Large mamals are kept in small spaces as objects for the Ocean world service to self type of corporations . 

We need to have more respect for oceal life.

Large oil rigs use sonor tools to exploit the ocean floors. That sonor tools are.affecring sea life. That needs to stop.

Monday, August 22, 2022

Atlantic Ocean

We as society need ro rake care of rge land and water and oceans. 

The oceans should be kept clean of garbage and of military waves.
The sinke polluting of the òceans affects rhe water that affects Allies. The sonor polituin affects marine life the wales dolphins and fish population. 

Chemtrails affects also the oceans.rhe pollutants in Chemtrails end up in water and then un fish and different marine life.

We need to restore the oceans to the pristine gorm they deserve.humsn psychic interact with the energy of the water and the energy of the water interact with human psychic. 

So human attitude influences the molecular configuration of the water.

The wars and military operations influence negative the water and water patterns. Weather events are activated by human activities.

Some are intentionally activates ad weather warfare some are activated by the intentions and emotions of people around rhe water.

We can help the water and the oceans by creating a peaceful society withouth wars. That would create positive weather patterns. 

The Oceans and the ocean life would.benefit, and also we the people will be the beneficiary of the water vibration. 

Cleanliness of the oceans depends o  all of us.

The consciousness of people should be raised.  Maintaining the river's and oceans clea  should be a priority from oceans ships to oil platforms to people.on the beaches we all should have our share of .maintaining the environment and the oceans clean.

Of we do just a.little bit more that before stop using plastics cups and bottles, or straws and using instead reusable dishes., thT is just a little bit more than before.

In the past thebrivers used to be dumping ground for garbage. That should cease they get to the oceans.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and the History of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Lemuria was a great Empire far back 200,000 years ago situated on the Present Pacific Ocean and Atlantis was situated on the present Atlantic Ocean. Colonization began 100,000 years ago while Atlantis was settled fro. 50.000 to 25.000 years ago. When Lemuria was destroyed Atlantis become the center of civilization and remained so until her destruction, leaving her greatest colony in Egypt.

The Lemurians were remarkable people. They possessed mental telepathy. Thus might have been a faculty that human race has largely lost through atrophy or disuse a d that is only recen6being regained.

The cyclops legend is said to have originated in the fact that Lemurians if pure blood descent had a protrusion  in the center of their forehead which might have been the seat of other mental faculties.
The Lemurians five impressions of superior  beings superior peoples possessing supernatural power as mental telepaty.
Do colonies of the world oldest civilization still exist in a self imposed isolation in California near Mount Shasta?
Are there other Lemurian colonies in other parts of the world such as in the mountains of Bolovia.?

The story is recorded by William (Bill ) Hamilton of Glendale Arizona. He became interested I  the subject after reading the book A dweller on two planets. BY Phylos. At the age of 15 he visited the Mount Shasta in California.

He became acquitted with a very interesting person in 1977 a girl named Bonnie that told him an interesting story regarding Lemuria and Atlantis.

She told him that she is a Lemurian born in 1951 in a city called Telos that was built inside an artificial dome shaped cavern in the Earth a mile or so beneath Mount Shasta California.

Bonnie, her mother, her father Ramu, her sister Judy he cousin Lorne and Matrix live and move in our society returning frequently to Telos fir rest and recuperation.

Bonnie relates that her people use boring machines to bore tunnels in the Earth. These boring machines heat the rock to incandescence then  vitrify it,  eliminating the need for beams and supports.

A tube transit system is used to connect few Atlantean/Lemurian cities that exist to various subterranean locations. The tube trains are propelled by electromagnetic impulses up to speeds of 2500 mph. Ine tube connects with one of the inner cities in the Mati Grosso junglen of Brazil.
The Lemurians have developed space travel and some of flying saucers come from their subterranean bases. Bonnie said her peoples are members if a federation if planets.
Food. They grow food hydroponically under full spectrum lights with their gardens attended by automatons.
The resources of Telos are distributed in plenty to million and half population that thrives on a  in money economy.
Bonnie talks about Uighers, Naga-Mayas and Quetzela which she is a descendant.
She records the destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria and if a war between the two superpower that was fought with advanced weapons.
Atlanteans built a huge crystal powered beam weapon that was used to control a small moon of earth as a missile aimed at China but their plans went awry and the moon split in two coming down into Atlantic north of Bermuda, deluding the remaining isle of Atlantis. Her peoples are a part of a much greater underground kingdom called Agharta ruled by a super-race she calls Hyperboreans.
They are strict vegetarians. They have psychic powers well developed.

Many tunnels are unsafe and closed off. All tube transit tunnels are protected and are designed to eject uninvited guests.
After thus article that appeared in 1980 Mr Hamilton wrote two more articles regarding Bonnie and Mount Shasta..
George Hunt Williamson in his  book The Secret Places if the Lion (London,  Nevile Spearman 1958) referred to the ancient land of Telos a Lemurian Colony located in the  Colorado plateau area if the four corners of the United States. 

In 1978 another article on the Lemuria girl Bonnie written by Mr Mr Hamilton.
Lemuria had one race with 10 sub races approximately 200,000 years ago.

Lemurians came from a planet named Aurora. The sun of Earth was giving too much radiation resulting in shorter life spans. The Hyperboreans went inside the planet. They entered at the polar entrances inside of where there is another sun which has  o radioactive effect. These people still live there and their major city is Shambala.

The people who remained on top degenerated into what we call the forth race.
They continue to degenerate to the point of warring on each other. Before war was unheard of.
The Lemurians started shrinking in stature from about 12 ft to about 9 ft.
The fifth race was about 9 ft. The peoples started taking the colour if the land. The Atlanteans skin were taking on reddish hue, Asian and Lemuria s skin took on a yellowish hue.
Around 25000 ago started the fifth race, and a war started and Atlantis chose to break away from the motherland Mu. Atlantis was getting more vindictive.
The Lemurians were the major race at thus time which had developed into the Uighers, the Naga Maya and the Quetzekcoatls. The Quetzals at this time started leaving Lemuria. They went to Scsndinavian Countries, North America, Central and South America and some if theory descendent are stilul there.

Quetzelcoatl was Venusian,  and Viracocha was a Lemurian high Priest who went to South America upon the destruction of Lemuria.

Lemuria was sent to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean because the blowing out of Archean has chambers. Whenbthebearth was formed huge gas pockets if gas were formed which were few feet wide but thousands of miles long. The scientists started detecting the weakening of the Archean gas chambers with their instruments. This was 15000 years ago. And at that time the earth magnetic field was erratic.

At that time Lemuria and Atlantis were part of the galactic Federation. And they could both travel to other planets. At that time the name of the King of Atlantis was Chronos. The name if the king of Lemuria was Triton and the high priest was called Ramu.
After the destruction of Lemuria which was caused by natural catastrophe for a long time the planet was unstable; for about 200-300 years.

The pyramids were built before the destruction of Lemuria.

At thus time the Atlanteans were  becoming difficult and several of the.whi believed in the Law of One did not care for what the scientists were doing. The scientists were experimenting with monster Crystal's that had unbelievable power. There were biological experiments going for hundreds of years at that time. They were using the things as their slaves.
Some people left Atlantis at this time and came to mount Shasta where the Lemurians had built a city called Telos.

The crystals of the Atlanteans used cosmic energy. The firm if the crystal generates wavelengths fits. It draw the energy from the Atmosfere and generate it into a high force and higher vibration. It has no moving parts. The crystal has inner fire and change colors.
The crystal of the Atlanteans buikd up energy they cannot control.
The secret source of the power of flying saucers is Crystal's psrticukarly of the atmosferic vehicles. The planet to planet vehicles are driven by a Ion Mercury engine.
Spaceship can reach speeds beyond d light, they can enter in hyperspace you generate into the forth dimension, this is controlled  y an on board computer that take you in and out if hyperspace.
When you enter in hyperspace is a loud sound then you will hear  nothing.
Lemurians travel between galaxies by entering in hyperspace when going ling distances.
Advanced beings are near the centre if the universe. At the center is the seat of God (Tamil) the generation of energy.
How Atlantis was destroyed?
Atlantis was taking pot shots with their Crystal's at China that was a strong colony of Lemuria and refused to come under Atlantean domination. At that time Atlantis was trying to dominate the world.And they didn"t dare to pick on Hypoerboreans in the Earth Centre.

During the last change of poles.the entrances were inaccessible because if the new Ice and clouds cover.
Atlanteans set up colonies in Egypt. Rata was the most high priest at that time.

Atlanteans, Lemurians and extraterrestrials built the pyramids as they knew they were needed to stabilize the planet during the coming cataclysms.
The pyramid in the Mato Grosso in Brazil still hasn't been found  That was built using radioactive paste. Sound was used to levitate the Stone blocks.

The destruction itself of Atlantis happened because the Atlanteans were taking shots at China that was a colony of Lemuria and they pursuing a form of vibrating crystal rays of certain elements in the atmosphere and bouncing them off Satelits in orbit around the earth.

At this time the Earth had two moons. One of them was taken off course by the Atlanteans the smaller moon.

They were vibrating the ray of the crystal higher and higher and hoping to direct the small moon as missile to China and India.

The Atlanteans major crystal was located near Bimini Island and they could not control it as the force went higher and higher and the moon plunged to the earth split in two and felt on the heads if the Atlanteans themselves bringing to their final destruction...

Extras from the book "Mount Shasta: Home of the Ancients"  by Valiant Thor